Island Parents Advisory Council (IPAC)

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What is IPAC?

IPAC is an island-wide advisory organization consisting of special needs parents who lend support and asistance to parents who have specials needs children.

IPAC offers support to parents at IEP meetings and presents various workshops throughout the year.  The workshops are designed to increase the awareness of parents, teachers, and the general public of issues that special needs children may face in the school and community setting.

Although Martha's Vineyard has approximately 500 children with special needs, our PAC has very few members.  Now is the time to become involved - work with other parents and school personnel to insure our children's education needs are met.  Share ideas and strategies that will help our children succeed. 

Parents are their child's best advocate!  Please join us this year.


Who should join the MVIPAC?

Parents and/or guardians of children who receive special education services - in or out of the community.

Parents who think their child may have some learning or behavioral issues (i.e., if your child has attention issues, does not have many friends, is socially isolated or just different).

Parents who are just learning about the special education process, 504's and IEP's.

Parents who would like a support group that understands their issues, challenges and concerns.

Parents and educators who want to learn more about local resources - therapists, testing, workshops, programs, camps, etc.

What is a Special Education PAC?
The DOE special education regulations specify:
"Each school district shall create a district-wide parent advisory council offering membership to all parents of eligible students and other interested parties. The parent advisory council duties shall include but not be limited to:  advising the district on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities; meeting regularly with school officials to  participate in the planning, development, and evaluation of the school district's special education programs...."


For more information please contact us at: